Daily Bulletin

Aquinas Catholic Middle/High Bulletin for Sunday, March 30, 2025

Day of Adoration All parents and Aquinas Community supporters are invited and encouraged to join us for our day of Adoration on Friday, April 4, 11-3:30. Please consider signing up in advance so we can make sure all times are covered, but DROP-IN adorers are MOST welcome! Come to Chapel doors to be welcomed! Adoration April 4 sign-up (see April torch for flyer)

Cheer Tryouts Tryouts April 8-10th! Sign up with Mrs. Moravec by April 3rd! Become part of an energetic growing team! Must be in 8-11th grades

Drivers Education Sign up sheets for Pathfinder Drivers Education is on the ledge of the Aquinas business office. Class room days June 12-13 (Must be present) Contact Information- Liz Cunningham 402-719-5481 or pathfindertss@gmail.com

Service Hour Opportunity Help is needed at the fish fry at St. Mary's on Friday, April 4th. See Mrs. Sypal for more information. - Mrs. April Sypal

Prom outside dates Outside date forms for prom are on the ledge by the office window. Please turn them in to Mrs. Cech by April 4th. - Mrs. Joan Cech

Prom Escorts Congratulations to the following Junior Prom Escorts: Dani Bohouslavsky,Madison Vandenberg, Bernice Alarcon, Sydni Svoboda, Ainsley Wollmer, Luke Storm, Jarin Thege, Gus Yindrick, Seth Hlavac and Dillon Bohouslavsky. - Mrs. Joan Cech

Gold Rush Servers Please see Ms. Brown today to pick up your service hours sheet from Saturday night. By the way...you all did a wonderful job. - Ms. Jean Brown

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